Sunday, May 20, 2012

Julian's version of Jesus' origins

"Mom, do you know God's girlfriend"
"You know the one who had his baby"
you mean Mary?
"Yep Mary, an angel visited her and told her that she was going to marry God"

Thursday, May 3, 2012


  I have to say that the days have been beautiful.  From a recreational standpoint it is great, as we can go boating, work in the garden, and generally just enjoy the outdoors, but from a practical standpoint the dry weather has been devastating.  We desperately need rain.  I know it is coming. It just seems like it comes later and later each spring.  The grass is dry and the neighborhood lake has evarporated a lot over the past few years.  This was a huge lake.  The docks that used to be in the water are on land and look more like decks.  The dry land extends from these dock/decks for a good thirty plus feet.  It's sad really.  I hope that rain comes soon.  :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Book Review

     I just had the pleasure of reading Pale Demon by Kim Harrison.   I loved that book!!!  I have been a fan of Rachel Morgan since the beginning with Dead Witch Walking.  Harrison's first book was good, but her latest book was awesome.  I have watched her grow as a writer.  I love to read a book that has no typos or errors in grammar, as I find those to be extremely distracting, kudos to the editor, publisher, etc... the book is flawless.
      The real reason I love the book is the plot.  The book starts off with a bang and delivers straight through.  It flows.  The characters have such depth at this point.  There is resolution in some relationships and possibilities open up in others.  I have always wanted a Trent/Rachel relationship.  It looks like Harrison may deliver. I love a book in which I become emotionally invested in the characters and their relationships. Her imagination knows no bounds.  All of her fantasy topics like the tying in of the two dimensions, the ley lines, the gargoyles, the fairies,  the pixies, the elves, etc... are all so well crafted.
     I enjoy, that yes it is a book for grown-ups, yet it isn't oversexed.  She is classy in her use of sexuality and doesn't overuse the theme.  (FYI: I stopped reading the Anita Blake series because it took such a drastic departure from the first couple of books.  I felt like I was reading something that was so out of the realm of possibility.  Let's face it the typical woman does not have multiple sex partners and probably not at the same time). Harrison doesn't do this at all. Reading her books is like taking a trip through an action movie, except they don't use guns as weapons (well there are guns with spelled splat balls). They use spells.
     In closing, let me say that I am sure that my review could never do this book justice.  It is awesome. READ THIS SERIES!!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I guess it's working!!

   Let me just preface this with the fact that I hate scales and think that they can make you needlessly obsess and upset. Nevertheless,  I finally broke down and weighed myself last weekend. I really needed to figure out where I am at. To my surprise, I have lost eleven pounds since December.  I am really excited because a lot of my clothes is too big and  I am wearing clothes that I was too big for.  Did I mention that this is really exciting???
   I am still waiting to see if my cholesterol dropped and that will be in June.  I hope so, as that was the real reason for my health kick.  Nevertheless,  I am glad  I made the changes in lifestyle, I feel better, look better, and am sure that the weight will stay off, as I lost it slowly and changed all of my habits.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dead Reckoning

  I just got the time to read this book.  It has been out for a while, I however, am always way behind.  I'll say this about the book, I still love the characters.  Harris is one of my favorite writers.  I love her tone, she is like a very matter of fact friend telling me a story over lunch.  Her writing style is terrific.  This book, however, was lackluster for me.  I just felt it was blah, there wasn't really much resolution on a personal front for Sookie.  I just kept waiting for something to happen.  It wasn't my favorite, but I am glad that I read it.  I hope the next one that is coming out next month is better.  Hopefully, there will be answers to some of the many questions that remain unanswered.  I look forward to it.

It's been awhile

Time is now at a premium.  With the closing of the school year with my kids at home and at my job, times are hectic.  T-ball is time consuming, but fun.  Meghan had her prom and her end of year drama production.   She was awesome.  The girl is a natural. Sami's big events are coming.  Big events are brewing at work too.  Awards, end of year trips, finals, etc...  I guess I will dedicate more time to blogging when things slow down.  Oh yea, I forgot, we got Meghan a new car for her b-day.  She is soooo excited to drive and I am thrilled that I won't have to taxi her around anymore.  :)

Saturday, April 7, 2012


     Well,  I never thought I would say this, but I am coaching T-Ball.  This is my third week as coach and I am enjoying it immensely.  As a middle school teacher, it has been quite a surprise.  These little ones are so much fun.  They run all over the place, don't pay attention, and need constant direction.   I am so grateful to all of the parents. They are so supportive and helpful.  It literally takes all of us to keep all of them in place. Coaching is a workout in itself.  It involves redirecting runners (going to the wrong base),  fielders throwing in the wrong direction, and kiddos who are daydreaming during the action. Also, some of these cuties can get pretty bossy and impatient (trust me they have their own opinions as to which direction things should go in). It is so much FUN!!! I actually look forward to T-Ball days. I wonder why I hadn't ever coached before.  Not only is it extremely rewarding, it is a workout. My butt hurts from bending down to help them bat and catch.  The best part is that my son and I get to spend more time together, if I was just a spectator I would miss this bonding experience.